Our doll club, the Cloth-a-Dollics had a "cage doll" challenge that was due this month, October. I have already shown my steampunk cage doll and now I wanted to share the three other cage dolls that I made: the first two are Frida cage dolls (I love everything about Frida, her passion, her love of Mexican culture and folk art, her love of animals and nature, her art, her spirit...)
Frida as a young vibrant Mexican young woman |
A needle felted fawn at the bottom of the cage and a parrot. |
This represents Frida's life as an artist with love, passion, pain, and art |
The blue cage represents the "Blue House" that she loved and lived in in Mexico City |
One of her many self portraits |
The final cage doll is the traditional Santos using a pattern by Arley Berryhill. I used many items that were in my mom's possession such as her rosaries, her drawer top doily, and her spiritual icons, the blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus. This doll was a joy to make and is going to a great and loving home:
May love rule your heart. Be the light and not the shadow wherever you go. Until next time...