Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Woolly Critters Again

Well, it is that time of the year again, time to make wooly critters using old sweaters that I felt and then turn into various animals.  Some of them will be at the Coast Collective Art Centre in Collwood, some are on my Etsy site,  and the bulk will be for sale during the craft show in Sidney, BC (First Chance Craft Show) in early November.


Enrico and Lucy bid you farewell!

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Teddies 2

Teddies are not out of my system yet.  I have a few more to share!  The first is a steampunk teddy and his little buddy: This is an adaptation of a wonderful pattern by Monica Spicer.

Next another Monica Spicer pattern, I call him Mulberry and Little Dude: I had fun embroidering the nose with multi-coloured cotton thread.

Finally, my latest favourite, the big dude teddy with the great big nose:  I knitted his sweater as a indigenous West Coast design and I both embroidered and waxed his nose.  He is quite the big, burly guy at 23" tall.  I had to use three different pieces of mohair for him, but he was worth the effort.

Signing off until after Easter when I return from my vacation in Toronto.  Enjoy the beginning of Spring and keep on creating!

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Teddy Bears Galore

During the last month I have been making teddy bears!  I love making mohair teddies, bunnies and cats and I decided to make some and take a break from art dolls.

Here they are:

A bear wanna be bunny


Ready with her Easter bonnet

The Easter bonnet

This bunny is about 19" tall

A Himalayan kitty, 16" tall


Funny little guy with his crocheted toy

So sweet with her big nose!

A hand knit tunic

Panda love

About 16" tall

A large black bear made from a faux fur coat

such a big fellow at 22"

Su Ling lying in the sun

Paddington with his red wool coat

What a 12" sweet

Big 20" bunny with long, long ears

Big blue glass eyes

A wee 5" sweet bear wearing a muff and hat

Peter Rabbit is ready for Easter

Checkers is about 15" long

Elfin sweet bear

A big 18" fellow

Another 5" bear ready for the sock hop

Bye for now

Ornaments Galore

  It is mid October and I have just finished making a gaggle of Christmas ornaments in preparation for the holidays: There are reindeers, pa...