Saturday 9 July 2016

Critter Mania Continues

I am stocking up on making my wooly critters for a November artisan show at the Da Vinci Centre in Victoria, BC.

I up-cycle  wool sweaters that are past their useful life (from thrift stores) and then felt them using hot water and soap.  I then decide which critter the sweater wants to be and off I go.

It has been a blast as you will see from my new stash:

First some of my Foxes:

A daddy fox made from the same soft wool reddish sweater:

One of more super soft lambs from a cashmere sweater (I will be making another one in pink):

I managed to find another yellow cashier sweater that had a few holes in it but made a super sweet monster:

I also found a lovely lavender purple sweater that shouted out, make me a kitty!

A super soft pink puppy:

What else is there?  What about a kitty modelled after Rosie the Riveter and "hello kitty":

So you see, I have been very busy indeed.  Now I must make a dolly based on a poem, "My Cubby Hole".  Stay tuned.

Friday 1 July 2016

Happy Canada Day

My adoptive country, Canada is 149 years old today and it is time to celebrate and be grateful that we live in such a magnificent, socially conscious country.

In honour of this special day, I made a special Canada Day kitty using an 100% wool sweater from the "Bay Club" (Hudson's Bay special sweater).

I loved making this wee kitty and it fits the day entirely:

Until next year, this Canadian kitty will now root for the Italian soccer team, the Azzurri in tomorrow's match versus Germany.  Forza Azzurri!  After all, Italy is my birthplace and also holds a special place in my heart!

Thursday 30 June 2016

Critter Mania

I have been busy making my "Wooly Critters".  They are just so addictive that once I start making one, another idea comes into my mind and I have to make another, and another, and another...  I plan to sell them at a winter Christmas Craft show. 

I make them with thrift store sweaters that I wash in hot water and soap to felt them.  I then design my "Critter" and start sewing.  Here are a few of the wee ones I have made to date.

First is :  "Wild thing, you make my heart sing!":

Next wee one is called:  Steampunk Joe:

This kitty says, "It's not easy being Green":

This Little Doggie found a bone:

Who says I am Goofy? Well, maybe just a little:

Grumpy cat says, "Hot pink and ruffles, really...?"

I laugh at you Grumpy cat, you are so funny "Giggles" says:

The Chesire cat reminds us that we are all mad here!

Until next time when there will be raccoons and foxes, oh my!

Monday 30 May 2016

Steampunk Mechanic

A while ago (well many months ago) a good friend asked me to make him a Ferrari Mechanic in the "Steampunk" style.  I was up for the challenge.  My friend is a car aficionado and especially loves Ferrari.  He owns one and has a room that is dedicated to his love of this Italian jewel.

When he asked me to make him a doll that would compliment his collection of Ferrari memorabilia, I started thinking of steampunk and mechanical bits that could be used in a doll!  My biggest challenge was keeping the doll to under 14".  I spent a great deal of time looking at photos of Ferrari for inspiration.  As luck would have it, while in Toronto visiting my family, I found a Ferrari car model in red that would be perfect in my piece!

Once I returned to Victoria in May, I assembled my materials and forged ahead (well I did travel for a workshop before I actually started, but this doll was in my thoughts).

I am very happy with Francesco (the new Ferrari Steampunk Mechanic) and he stands only 12" tall!  He wears a medium blue mechanic's outfit that is complimented with steampunk fabric.  Under his jacket he has a fine Italian Merino sweater and an Italian wool vest.  He sports a brown leather pouch and a black felt cap that has the "Ferrari" prancing horse symbol, of course.  He also wears a steampunk magnifier to help him catch fine details in his work.  His boots are black and brown faux leather with steampunk gears:

A close up of his face (I used doe suede for the doll as it is easy to work with and has a natural "olive" tint that would be ideal for this Italian stallion):
A side view with a good look at his funky hair and his special steampunked eye piece magnifier.  His ball cap is felt with stitching in the Italian flag colours:

 The back of this piece shows the mechanics jacket with "Ferrari" spelled out on his back:
Notice that I covered the platform with "Tim Holtz" steampunk fabric.  I used "Sobo" glue to attach the fabric to the base.  I used "Scrabble" game tiles to spell out "FERRARI" on the base:

 Francesco has a leather pouch around his waist to carry additional tools of the trade.  He is holding gears and his boots are also festooned with metal gears!
 I found great metal tools and tool buttons to decorate his jacket.
I hope my friend enjoys his piece and I hope Francesco enjoys his new home among the Ferrari books and Ferrari models!

Ornaments Galore

  It is mid October and I have just finished making a gaggle of Christmas ornaments in preparation for the holidays: There are reindeers, pa...